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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

Goodbye 2011. Thank you for the memories, laughter and tears. It was a great ride, despite the one biggest heartbreak of the year: Malko B's departure to Seoul!! Wehhhhhhhhhhkkkk! Still adjusting to Malko B's absence. Me. No. Likey. Bogoshippo :( Only managed to head over to Kuching, Melbourne, Phuket, Melaka and Penang for short breaks in 2011. Hoping to travel and see more of the world this year! (Seoul, looks like I'll be paying you a visit! Teehee.) Looking forward to what you have in store for us this year, 2012. We welcome smiles, grins,...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Long Distance Relationships

I'm sure some of you have been in or is in a long distance relationship,The longing calls .. frequent messaging .. tears on pillow Yeah me and Malko S is going through it right now lol You'll think breaking up with a guy was hard, breaking up being apart from your jagi bestie is the hardest thing ever !! When we reunited in 2009 we thought it was forever until I got a job offer and got called back to my motherland, Korea. Since I got back we've been inseperable, our late night coffee, random activities, awesome dancing, karaoke, emo-talk in cars...