Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!


This year, at the firm's Christmas party, I decided to be a Christmas tree. Not a Santarina, not an elf, not Santa himself, but a Christmas tree! Why, you might ask? Well, it's because I tried to be creative and tried to make something which look like mini-antlers, but failed miserably. Hahaha. By the time I twisted that green thing around my red hairband, I was sleepy and...well, I fell asleep. Come party time, colleagues were asking me what I was supposed to be with that odd thing sticking out from my hairband. No one believed me when I claimed to be a baby reindeer. Instead, I was accused of showing up at a Christmas party as a little martian -_-". Some people just don't recognise creativity when they see it. Sheesh.

So, to appease everyone, I had to improvise and come up with something which people (who lack imagination - ahem) can related to. The Christmas tree.

Want to copy this look? Easy peasy lemon squeezy, like 1, 2, 3, A, B, C.

 1. Minus the baubles, I claimed to
be a baby reindeer. See the mini antlers!
2. People didn't get it,
so I had to improvise.
That's when I started adding baubles.
Take it from the Christmas tree, table deco,
ceiling deco, whatever you can get.

3. I collected more. Whee, a bell!
Notice how my head was tilting more
and more to the side due to the
weight on my head.
4. There you have it. End result. I became a Christmas tree!

Some photos from Christmas day itself...

Malko B. showing off what she got from me
for Christmas.

Benefit Lady's Choice lipstick - absolutely gorgeous!
& Baviphat V-line Small Face Slimming Pack.
Wait for that product review!
Christmas afternoon.

Bisous, Malko.S ♡


Dina said...

finally u're on the blogging scene ;)
love this entry
I had to control myself from laughing too loud
didn't realise your 'costume' was going to literally grow with each photo

keep 'em coming Malko S ;)


Malko ♡ said...

hehe thanks for visiting, deens! drop by more often! <3