"We need new friends to go PARTAY"
But then again pictionary and taboo is so fun you forget you wanted to dance.
No we're not getting old we just like to draw and ramble silly words to decribe things sometimes :)
Anyway Congratulations to us !! Malaysians have the highest stats in Facebook !! (Seriously ..)
I have to admit Facebook can be very addictive and OMG you find everyone you ever bumped into, but the highest stats in the world that means we aren't socializing much in the real world. Alright I'm not trying to start a heating debate on the pros and cons of Facebook , and trust me .. you don't want to argue with me haha : D
Here I introduce you to the annoying people you find on FB :

Not to mention friends who send you invites to join them at their farm , I really have no interest in looking for a talking turtle or a gold digger cow !! Well you probably have at least ONE friend from the list but then again it's all for laughs don't take it too personal ;) haha
Before I go I need advice, Bang or No Bang ? Those of your running indecent thoughts in your head .. please !! Help a Korean in distress Sharing is Caring so Share your wisdom : D

Till Then Toodles :)
Love Life. Love Malko B. xx
Bangs Malko B! n that FB character is deep hahaha
I think I can relate to:
1. Lady who publishes every pedestrian detail of her life (but in my defense it's only during confinement, I've never been this pampered for a loooong time! :))
2.New parent represented, creepily, by a picture of their new baby
Oooh I just can't help it so shhhuttt up :) the defensive mummy goes GAGA! see this is what FACEBOOK does to you hahaha
1 vote for BANGS! Thanks Pial :)
I personally like New parents posting pics of their babies :) I just can't say no to tiny humans !!
Bangs! :D
I wanna go for Bangs too~
Bangs make yourself look cuter :D
i say go for a bang! erm, i mean, bangs. heehee
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