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Thursday, March 24, 2011

We got bored of KL .. Part 2

So friends ask me , "How was Penang?" "What did you guys do?" EAT.EAT.DRIVE.AND.EAT. Thats pretty much what we did.eat. Still struggling from all the eating I did but still not heading to the gym #megafail haha. Credits to Mei San :) Green Hornet !! LOL Kuay Teow Oyster  Pai tee Our dessert (KIDDING!!) We also had Ice kacang but we finished it so quick we couldnt take any pictures. Sorry !! haha Food was not as exciting...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Excuses ... Us ? Nah ~

Great Minds think alike so here is an illustration of how our great minds think alike = conjoined heads LOL Its been a while, before you call us failed bloggers (noooo!!) we have very good reasons to our lagging updates. The Malkos have been so busy packed with work and apparently no life nor strength to do anything which led to slow updates .. If I could pull of the puss in boots look from Shrek, this will be the timing ! haha Random-ness : 1....