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Monday, February 21, 2011

monster attack! (product review: natio face mask)

BOO! Did we scare you? Hehe. In case you were wondering, Malko In The City submitted our name to SaSa Malaysia recently to do a guest review on one of their products and, lucky us, we got chosen to be one of the lucky 20! Yay! So, what was it? Lo and behold, Natio's Clay and Plant Face Mask Purifier. We shan't bore you with the history behind the company and the origins of the product, but if you're interested to dig in further (i.e....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm all smeyes for Mica

 Now this is some talent. Mica and I go way back to elementary school when we were busy running away from cameras, and undercuts + baggy pants represented ultimate coolness. Very peri peri hot I must say. This present day Darling Mica is a beautiful bride to be (2days to be exact) in Brazil, waiting to tie the knot with her loving husband who also takes gorgeous photos. How do they even do that, talent in a 2 in 1 package....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We got bored of KL .. Part 1

With Chinese New Year around the corner, and knowing that most of our entertainment sources are going to be closed .. we set off to PENANG !! Why look far when there are so many wonderful places to explore in Malaysia itself :) So us being us, we booked our tickets the day before (Busy at work best believe!) and flew to Penang. OMG ROADTRIP!!! *Girly shrieks yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy* Yes you are reading the right blog, it's us...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Now we're even.

You see, for my Bday Last year Malko S threw me a surprise which really took me by surprise. I must have looked like the biggest dummy when my friends shouted "SURPRISE!!" and I started clapping my hands and singing happy birthday for the "birthday person" = ME. Malko S had it easy for sure! haha. As for me, I did try to organize a surprise dinner but turned out mega fail because I was a bad liar. Nevertheless I think S was happy , we both were quite...