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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Long Distance Relationships

I'm sure some of you have been in or is in a long distance relationship,The longing calls .. frequent messaging .. tears on pillow Yeah me and Malko S is going through it right now lol You'll think breaking up with a guy was hard, breaking up being apart from your jagi bestie is the hardest thing ever !! When we reunited in 2009 we thought it was forever until I got a job offer and got called back to my motherland, Korea. Since I got back we've been inseperable, our late night coffee, random activities, awesome dancing, karaoke, emo-talk in cars...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tip Toe

Only because of the guilt and shame I feel for abandoning our dead  blog. heehee We've been swamped with work our hang out sessions have decreased and BBM-ing increased. It's ridiculous I must say .. even my parents think so !! In MalkoS's absence, my new toy has been keeping me busy. I'm a faithful BB user but all the apps !! I am in android heaven haha. I got my Samsung Galaxy S by chance, to cut the long story short my mum got my dad the...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Strangers, again.

We've not been taking that many photos lately, so videos will have to do for now :) I"m not in a sad, soppy mood, but a friend was. This was the first WFP video I was introduced to. Simple and nicely done. Watch and weep (or tear or just be indifferent). Which stage of your relationship are you in? Bisous, Malko.S&nbs...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And...we're back!

Hello! Surprised to be seeing this post? Lol we're still alive, well and kicking, though swamped beyond our wildest imagination. Looks like work is taking over our lives. Besides work, I've been kept busy babysitting and being a chaffeur, maid and cook. As for Malko.B,  her mum's restaurant just underwent renovation (which looks uber sexy now! I think we should do a review on this) and she's been waitressing her butt off after work and on weekends. All this work and no play is really doing wonders to our health and skin. And holidays? What...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Givers with Big Hearts

Our friend Durri contacted me a while ago about an event she and her friends organized, it was for a good cause. The warm giving character Durri is I wasn't surprised. Instead of me doing a write up about this amazing event, Durri will give you a short introduction about it :) "In a nutshell we already have a Rumah Aman in Seksyen 2, Shah Alam. It was founded by a nice man called Mr Abdul Rahman and run by a Principal by the name of Khalid Shah...

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool

Yes. That's right. I'm a fool in April, thanks to Malko.B and Panda Poh. So much for friendship. So what happened? 12.02 AM, 1 April 2011 I was chatting with some friends on BBM and GChat. Usual ritual before bedtime. Panda Poh sends me a BBM message asking me if I've read the news today. His message reads: "Omg Sits!! Our units...the developer cabut diri already!! Read the Star Online!!" My heart dropped. Omg! Reaaalllyyyy???? We had just purchased a property each from the same developer last year and are quite pleased that the value of the...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We got bored of KL .. Part 2

So friends ask me , "How was Penang?" "What did you guys do?" EAT.EAT.DRIVE.AND.EAT. Thats pretty much what we did.eat. Still struggling from all the eating I did but still not heading to the gym #megafail haha. Credits to Mei San :) Green Hornet !! LOL Kuay Teow Oyster  Pai tee Our dessert (KIDDING!!) We also had Ice kacang but we finished it so quick we couldnt take any pictures. Sorry !! haha Food was not as exciting...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Excuses ... Us ? Nah ~

Great Minds think alike so here is an illustration of how our great minds think alike = conjoined heads LOL Its been a while, before you call us failed bloggers (noooo!!) we have very good reasons to our lagging updates. The Malkos have been so busy packed with work and apparently no life nor strength to do anything which led to slow updates .. If I could pull of the puss in boots look from Shrek, this will be the timing ! haha Random-ness : 1....

Monday, February 21, 2011

monster attack! (product review: natio face mask)

BOO! Did we scare you? Hehe. In case you were wondering, Malko In The City submitted our name to SaSa Malaysia recently to do a guest review on one of their products and, lucky us, we got chosen to be one of the lucky 20! Yay! So, what was it? Lo and behold, Natio's Clay and Plant Face Mask Purifier. We shan't bore you with the history behind the company and the origins of the product, but if you're interested to dig in further (i.e....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm all smeyes for Mica

 Now this is some talent. Mica and I go way back to elementary school when we were busy running away from cameras, and undercuts + baggy pants represented ultimate coolness. Very peri peri hot I must say. This present day Darling Mica is a beautiful bride to be (2days to be exact) in Brazil, waiting to tie the knot with her loving husband who also takes gorgeous photos. How do they even do that, talent in a 2 in 1 package....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We got bored of KL .. Part 1

With Chinese New Year around the corner, and knowing that most of our entertainment sources are going to be closed .. we set off to PENANG !! Why look far when there are so many wonderful places to explore in Malaysia itself :) So us being us, we booked our tickets the day before (Busy at work best believe!) and flew to Penang. OMG ROADTRIP!!! *Girly shrieks yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy* Yes you are reading the right blog, it's us...