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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Discovery of the Day

I know. I really should be working, but I've been dying to share a gem which I discovered a few days ago whilst...yes, I hang my head in shame...tweet-stalking. Lol. So what is it, I hear you ask? It's a website which lets you design your very own bespoke women's shoes - just how cool is that??! All you have to do is choose one of the ready designs available, tweak it here and there to give it some of your very own personality, choose your material,...

Malko in THE BLawg

Omg. I've had so many ideas on what to blog about but have not had the time either because (i) I just don't have the time, (ii) I'm too tired, or (iii) by the time I start composing, it's already 1 am and despite my hands wanting to type, my brains won't function and desperately persuades my body to hit the sack for some good snooze. Ok, fine. I lie. I have not had that many ideas. Many being 1 or 2, but that's an improvement since I'm new to blogging...

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Zero Calorie Make up

I get up at 5.30am to get to work and for me its a HUGE deal. To fit in all my beauty regime in such early morning is a mad rush!!  Imagine having to put on toner+serum+moisturizer+primer+base+foundation .. and the list goes on .. in the process of waking up !! and I never leave the house bare faced. Not that I have bad skin or people don't recognise me without make up on lol. Air conditioning+sunrays are just too stressful and that will...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Discovery of the Day

Yay! So glad to see that this is actually happening! Can't wait for our readership to grow and see where blogging can take us. Since I'm stealing time from work, I can only afford to do a quick entry, so here it goes - my Discovery of the Day whilst tweet-stalking on Twitter: boutiques.com. Check it out. Looks like you can follow anyone Twitter-style (designers, celebrities) according to your fashion style and taste. This was probably my...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Late Bloomer

Who ever said its too late to blog ? I just sat infront of my computer for a good hour thinking about the first entry,We have been pushing the first entry to each other for a few good months now so I decided to kick start things ..... BEFORE 2011 !! I'm not going to lie .. but its really about time we start doing this before something more advance catches up.(I-phone is still just too futuristic for my likings) Despite the fact this is our/my...